Curriculum links
All programs are conducted by an experienced Electoral Educator and provide curriculum links to units on Democracy, Civics and Citizenship and courses in Australian Studies, Politics and Legal Studies.
The NEEC offers a range of programs designed to suit various ages and interests. You can choose from:
House of Representatives – This program explores key concepts of representation and voting. Experience the preferential voting system in action by participating in a House of Representatives election scenario. Suitable for all age groups.
Referendum – The Constitution is Australia’s founding legal document and only the people of Australia have the power to change it. Discover how the Constitution is changed by voting in a referendum scenario and counting the votes. Suitable for all age groups.
Senate – If you have already covered the basics of preferential voting and the House of Representatives, why not practice voting in a Senate election and investigate the proportional system used to elect Senators? Suitable for secondary, tertiary and adults. Also suitable for late primary students who have already covered the House of Representatives in class.
Eligible Elector – specifically designed for young people / adults who are soon to be (or are already) eligible voters. This program explores the concept of representation in both the Senate and House of Representatives. Participants will experience voting and scrutiny in both houses of government. Suitable for senior secondary, tertiary and adult groups.
All sessions are of 90 minutes duration and commence at half hourly intervals from 8am to 4:30pm (Mon-Fri).
Sessions are free-of-charge.
To make a booking at the National Electoral Education Centre please visit Book Canberra Excursions.
Students with specific physical, accessibility or learning needs should be identified at the time of your booking to ensure an equitable learning experience for all. A social narrative resource is available.
All programs must be booked and confirmed on Book Canberra Excursions at least two weeks prior to the booking date. Failure to confirm a bookings may result in programs being cancelled.
Extension Opportunities – Get Voting
Democracy Rules – Democracy Rules is the AEC’s flagship online education offering for schools and provides background knowledge to enable teachers to confidently lead students in electoral education. It includes a 150-page teaching guide, printable activities for students, online interactive games and seven animated videos. Each topic has been aligned to appropriate year levels and content descriptions in the Australian Curriculum, and there are topics suitable from upper primary to upper secondary students. Access Democracy Rules online from the AEC for Schools website.
Media Literacy in Democracy: Women’s Suffrage in Australia – Understanding the power of persuasion, the impact of bias and understanding the influence of modern news and social media is vital in strengthening and supporting our democracy. Media Literacy in Democracy aims to explore critical media literacy and the importance of investigating where information comes from online, and does this through exploring the historical issue of women’s suffrage in Australia. The resource includes a teacher guide, critical analysis worksheets and templates. Access Media Literacy in Democracy online from the AEC for Schools website.
On the Day
Student numbers must not exceed capacity (45 students max per primary program, 40 per secondary program). Larger groups should book multiple sessions to ensure all participants are able to take part.
Photos are permitted with one strict exception, advised during the program.
Access to the NEEC is found at the right hand side of the building, opposite the Senate Rose Gardens. (see map above)
Schools also visiting the Museum of Australian Democracy are recommended to allow 30 minutes between programs at either institution.
A teacher is to accompany students at all times. Leaving a group unsupervised will result in the program being terminated.
Storage is limited, please leave bags on the bus.
For more information, teacher resources, Certificate of Currency, Risk management plan visit our AEC for Schools website.